Community MARAC


Redbridge has a Community (MARAC) Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference which is a multi-agency meeting, convened monthly, to share information on cases which are complex/high risk involving vulnerable victims and perpetrators of anti-social behaviour.


A broad range of agencies are represented in the Community MARAC including from Adult Health and Social Care, Housing, Community Safety and Children’s Social Care from within the Local Authority; NELFT, MPS, DWP, VIA.  Additional representatives can be invited dependent on the cases being reviewed.  The Community MARAC is co-chaired by the MPS and Adult Health and Social Care.  Individuals attending the Community MARAC are asked to agree to and sign a confidentiality statement.

Terms of Reference (ToR)

More details of the purpose of the Community MARAC can be found in the Terms of Reference (ToR).

Agencies represented on the Community MARAC entered into an Information Sharing Agreement (ISA).

Making a Referral

Please note only professionals can make a referral. When making a referral please consider if the individual(s) are:

    • High risk
    • Vulnerable
    • Require a multi-agency response
    • Prolific offenders

Please use the relevant referral form (links below to the ECINs system) for referring the victim and/or perpetrator:

Further Information

For further information, contact the CMARAC Co-ordinator via